New Modern N Gauge DMUs from Gaugemaster

Since being announced a couple of years ago the Gaugemaster Collection has done a commendable job of filling gaps in the N Gauge market. The announcement today is another one that is sure to please modern image modellers. Due in December 2020 they have announced two new variants of the popular Dapol Class 153 Super…

N Gauge DCC Chips Explained

2 Main types of chip exist in N Gauge, Next18 as the new kid on the block in the UK, and NEM651 or as it is more commonly know, the 6 pin decoder. Next 18 Next18 takes N Gauge DCC to the next level of complexity. A standard Next 18 chip supports motor control, independent…

Uh Oh, the curse strikes again

They often say modellers start dreaming about their next layout before the first one is even 50% finished. Well, thats certainly true with this modeller. As great as DCC is, it is limiting slightly on what stock I can run. Some of my favourite locos are of an age where DCC was unheard of, and…

Stores are a bit messy…

You could be forgiven for saying the MPD stores are a bit of a ramshackled dumping zone at Cottingfield Motive Power Depot The boys when tidying up inside appear just to have dumped it all outside. They’ve not even stacked their pallets neatly. Although, the armchair seems to be sat in a nice shady corner…

Picnic in the sun?

Mr Cottingfield has been enjoying the lockdown and the lovely sunny weather. Because we can’t go out anywhere I’ve had free reign to get out to the garage and go modelling. No work place would be complete without some workplace amenities. Especially at times when key workers are going above and beyond to keep the…

Excitement Abounds As Dapol Class 50s Arrive

Mr Cottingfield will hopefully be gettings his hands on his next week. Early reviews say that it is another good quality model from Dapol much in the same vein as the class 68. That model marked a step change in quality for the manufacturer headquartered in Wales. Completely out of area mine was very much…

Is the relationship finally over?

Like many others I woke today to find an email from Hattons saying my pre-order of a Farish model had been cancelled as they could no longer provide it. The issue has been bubbling under the surface for many months with no new releases of Bachman or Graham Farish products finding their way to Hattons…

Good news for British N Gauge

Kato is arguably the world’s premier N gauge model railway manufacturer And Kato seem to be planning an assault on the UK market. Announced by them last week was a N Gauge model of the Class 800 The plan is for the set to be released in 2021 when Hornby’s exclusivity period on the model…

Thanks Goodness It Has Cooled Down

The title says it all – 36c outside means 40c+ in the garage which is just too hot! Now I am a keen modeller, but even I have limits. Consequently with the cooler weather I have taken the opportunity to dive on in. I was amazed at just how much junk I had accumulated on…